Physical resources
Promote wellbeing in your community! Discover and download / request our informative and promotional materials, such as posters, leaflets, and even activities to enjoy offline.
2 Pages
Headstrong A4 brochure
Do you know anyone who might be interested in learning more about our app? Easily print, fold, and share with them our informational brochure here!

Referral cards
1 Page
Referral cards
Our referral cards can be discreetly handed out to rangatahi. Scan the QR code on the back to download Headstrong directly from your app store.

1 Page
Wellbeing chatterbox
Boost wellbeing in the classroom or with your friends by playing a classic origami game from our childhoods. Based on the Te Whare Tapa Whā model of health and wellbeing.

A4 resource
1 Page
A Beginners Guide to Digital Mental Health Tools for Young People
Digital mental health tools are a powerful tool to add to your professional kete. Here’s how to get started.

A4 resource
1 Page
An Introduction to Digital Mental Health Tools for Young People
If you work with young people, it’s increasingly important to know how to use digital mental health tools. Understanding what they are is the first step.

A4 resource
1 Page
A Guide to New Zealand Digital Mental Health Tools for Young People
Ready to get started with digital mental health tools but not sure which to pick? Here are four fantastic, free, evidence-based made in New-Zealand options!
Need physical resources?
We can mail you free high quality printouts, merch, leaflets, posters and more. Just enter your details and someone from our team will send them to you as soon as possible.
Alternatively, contact us via the email below. Thanks in advance for promoting Headstrong!
Get the app for free today!
Headstrong is a free mobile and desktop app designed to empower rangatahi and enhance their mental wellbeing.
Don't have a compatible device? No worries! You can use our web app instead.